In 2025 the Manukau Premier League (MPL) will turn a new leaf for Volleyball in Tamaki Makaurau. The MPL will be played on Wednesdays from Jun-Sep and will reinstate Auckland's best teams back in to the limelight.
The MPL matches will follow a curtain-raiser played between the Under 18 Junior Volleyball League Teams. The JVL matches will start at 6pm and the MPL matches will have a 7.30pm scheduled start time. The MPL & JVL Leagues will be played over 11 dates (listed below) and Finals will be played on the 3rd of September.
MPL TEAMS; 6 Mens / 6 Womens.
ENTRY CRITERIA 1) MPL Teams will be seeded from Zone or NCC Results in 2024.
2) MPL Teams must have an organised governance structure.
3) MPL Teams must meet all deadlines to be accepted into the League.
4) Teams who have not played in the Zone or NCC may apply for an exemption.
ENTRY FEE $1,200 Per Team. Includes Appointed 1st Referee per Game.
DUTY Every Team is required to provide 1 Ref, 1 Scorer for the Curtain Raiser at 6pm
and 1 Scorer and 1 Line Person for their scheduled game.
DATES Wednesdays; June 4/11/25, July 16/23/30, August 6/13/20/27, September 3.
FORMAT Round Robin (7 weeks), Quarters + Semi (2 weeks), Play-Offs (1 week), Finals (3 Sep).
LIVE STREAM Two Games per week (both AVL & JVL) will be streamed per week.
DEADLINES EOI; 1st Dec 2024 / ENTRY CONFIRMED; 1st Feb 2025 / ENTRY FEE PAID; 1st Apr 2025